Skinny's Place
3901 Gulf Dr. Holmes Beach, FL. 34217
Phone: 941-778-7769

In 1936 a young Midwestern couple came to Anna Maria Island on their honeymoon. They vowed to come back someday and build a little restaurant on the beach. They returned in 1952 (after Grandpa served in WWII) with their 2 young children, bought this piece of land and built this place. Carl (Skinny) Freeman & his wife, Janice, ran the little beach place they named "Mid-Island Drive In". The Manatee Ave bridge did not exist and there were few businesses here.
Grandpa & Grandma "Skinny" envisioned the uniqueness of this island and knew one day it would be "one of a kind". Their daughter Jan and grandson Clark are continuing to preserve this "Old Florida Original". Thank you to Estella, Maggie and our family in CA..... Gary, Patty, Jennie & Laurel. Many thanks to all of you who have supported and encouraged us over the years!